
and thank you for stopping by.


Yesterday was scary......
But after 5 hours in the ER, Lyrik was released and we were told that he had dehydration:( My goodness, not a good day......to see your lil one lifeless is so heartbreaking, it's hard not to think the worst. So now were hydrating him back to his normal, busy self.......but it's hard not to get crazy over the fluid intake situation. Anyways, good news is my crazy kid is getting his bossy lil personality back......YAY, I'll take all the bossiness I can get:)

So, heres a couple photos from yesterday........before and after emerg.......
Love love him!!

ps-I took the first pic before he got up, thinking how cute he was sleeping in my bed.......soon to realize how unwell he was.



Vanessa Z. said...

So scary! Glad to hear that he is feeling better. Same thing happened to Logan when we were in Alberta in the summer... it is pretty much the worst feeling in the world to have your child so sick.

Anonymous said...

Soooo scary....and so glad he's ok and all of you are together now....phew....
Talk in the morning...love you..

Anonymous said...

I was thinking he looked super cute in that pic until all of a sudden I read the comments! Wow... that must have been so hard. I'm glad he's doing better now! -Shannon

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